“Honor the Love of a Noble Mother”
Honor the love of a noble mother, Mystical powerful forces dwell here;
Unconditional love like no other. Nightie and Pink Bear, Winnie Pooh cover,
Mama’s Story Time, the child draws near.
Honor the love of a noble mother. Eternal ties, negate the fleeting lover;
Babies’ smiles, precious, sacred, everclear, Unconditional love like no other.
As years dance on, baby bonds with mommy dear, Angels connected, one to another.
Honor the love of a noble mother. Listen! Father, mother, sister, brother, This love will guide you, your true North, now steer! Unconditional love like no other. With heart and soul; Oh! tenderly hover. Golden innocence, there’s nothing to fear. Unconditional love like no other.
Honor the love of a noble mother
