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Living a Dream: Skin in the Game


The journey starts with a hungry heart fed by the archetypical dream of glory not for the chosen but for the choosers

As blogs go Living a Dream is more about dedication to a dream than in chronicling wins and losses. More about the experience than the results. Dave and I are blessed to rub elbows with coaches and athletes who have worked more than hard enough to succeed in their sport, have exceeded the norms for learning curves, have offered the support of friendship to their colleagues and competitors alike. They have enriched our lives simply by showing up every day and being the exemplary human beings they have chosen to be.

There is no shame no one to blame but it’s just not the same without skin in the game

And a having a legendary coach doesn’t hurt. Among other attributes, ALTIS Head Coach Dan Pfaff is King of the One-liners: Improve accountability, transparency and cooperation from all the stakeholders. dan Pfaff dpfaff@PfaffSC

Garry: You know Dave, being such ALTIS fans we might be viewed as a tad unpatriotic. Dave: Because we might root for an athlete from another country? Garry: Well, I wouldn’t make a habit of it, but yeah. Dave: What about team sports? Would you root against the US Soccer team? Garry: Of course not. Dave: Would it bother you if the United States didn’t win the most gold medals? Garry: A little bit, maybe. But I could live with it. Dave: Then you should probably stick with Track & Field. Garry: You mean it’s ok for me to want Usain Bolt to beat Justin Gatlin? Dave: I’d say just stick with ALTIS. They’re like family. Garry: Yeah, I guess if an American sprinter and a Canadian sprinter went head to head… Dave: They’re both ALTIS. Garry: So it’s a win/win. (Thoughtful pause) I hope Bolt destroys Gatlin.

These are the ALTIS athletes competing in Rio. You can follow Dave and me (Living a Dream) as we try to keep up with them, 0r you can do your own Facebooking, twittering and snapchatting and we can follow you. You’re bound to be faster.

Canada Akeem Haynes     100m, 4 x 100m Andre Degrasse    100m, 2oom, 4 x 100m Christabel Netty   Long Jump

United States Ameer Webb       200m, 4x100m Trenton Merrill   Long Jump Jahvid Bes             100m Jeremy Dodson    100m, 200m

Ireland Torri Pena             Pole Vault

Great Britain Greg Rutherford   Long Jump Dan Greaves          Discus Jodie Williams      200m

Jamaica Kenia Sinclair        800m

Germany Matthias Buhler     110H

Trinidad Mikel Thomas         110H

Columbia Yosiri Urrutia         Triple Jump

India Vikas Gowda            Discus

Ivory Coast Wilfried Koffi Hua  100m, 200m, 4×100

Australia Ella Nelson                200m Fabrice Lapierre      Long Jump

Sierra Leone Hafsa Kamara          100m, 200m

Norway  Isabell Pederson     100m

Coming soon to Living a Dream Profiles in Dedication: Crossroads Retweet this…Please Ten things we don’t get about the Olympics: You show me yours and I’ll show you mine. (You go first.) Garry’s first rant: It’s nice you follow me. I just wish you could catch up.


©2021 by Coffee with the Bard

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