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Living a Dream: Rounding For Home


Updated: Oct 10, 2021

I am a septuagenarian, trying to get the bulk of my creative work done before I  become an octogenarian. One way to put it. Another-I am a man caught somewhere between a hot date and a room with free meals at the local Independent Living Center. I’m good with all that.

Two years have passed since my last competition, the Huntsman World Senior Games in scenic St. George, Utah. I had high hopes for my 100 meter competition. A medal, or at the very least, my most nearly perfect  race ever. I accomplished neither and have been grousing about it ever since.

My erstwhile training partner and co-creator of Living  a Dream, Dave Doerrer, and I have retired from formal competition.  He for a pair of bad knees and me for a bad attitude. But there is a silver lining behind our clouds. We still get together every Tuesday for a few walks around the track, kibitzing with ALTIS coaches and athletes.

Probably the most strenuous thing we do is throw a six pound med ball. But as always, we go at it hammer and tong. Highest throw, farthest throw, most aesthetically pleasing throw. A victory is a victory. We can’t help ourselves. And neither of us has taken up golf.

So life goes on for both of us. And to our credit, neither of us has given up on Living a Dream. There are many challenges to be met. Many victories to savor. We just have to look a little harder for them than we used to. We invite you to accept the Living a Dream challenge, even share in this space if you like. To that end I’ll leave you with a poem that sort of sums it all up. (click title to see other blog posts)

Take heed the changing landscape of your dreams as one dream morphs into another Leading us all to ask-

How can I encourage myself and others to hold fast to our dreams even if we’ve  lost track of  them or forsaken them Or found them somehow unworthy of the persons we were meant to be

You can choose one dream over another You can throw in the towel on one or all of them Hopefully along the way you learn, as many athletes have, that victory lies in simply showing up laying it on the line, physically, mentally, emotionally, and, according to your lights, spiritually

When you have done that, you have done your job And that is its own reward GLC


©2021 by Coffee with the Bard

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