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Living a Dream: John Godina three


John (not in shorts) Godina with Connor Sports Execs

As Champions of Sport, Connor Sports is dedicated to creating more places for athletes to train and reach their goals in life. Through our partnership with ALTIS, we are helping track and field athletes realize their vision and passion. 

Dave: We’ve been reading about your new partnership with Connor Sports (world leader in sports surfacing). Can you give us an idea what that’s all about? John: We’ve got a great partnership with Connor. Connor is producing some of the best track surfaces in the world. We’re lucky that we’ve got a relationship with them at this point. The big key for that is that they’re approaching the sport the way we are, which is ‘let’s improve the sport’. You do that and then people will do business with you if they know that you care about the sport’. They’re doing a lot of stuff for our scholarship athletes. We’re going to announce a lot of programs for general populations around the country to be able to participate in and maybe even participate with us here (Paradise Valley Community College). Just because of all the interactions Connor is trying to establish. That’s first and foremost before we even build the track. They’re dedicating themselves to growing the sport and making it better. Garry: That was one of the things in the piece I saw on Twitter where you were talking about…first time I ever saw you in clothes. Dave: That sounded pretty bad. You mean non-shorts. Garry: It did, didn’t it. Yeah, no-shorts. John: Thanks for clarifying that. Garry: I would have caught it in the transcription. Dave: Garry, maybe you should tell your readers we’re all laughing here. John: (undeterred by the frivolity) So then the track itself, they’re going to be our track surface company. It’s coming. Location is to be announced at some point. It’s a big picture. You’re looking at 15 to 20 acres of land and a lot of stuff to get done. We are always actively in process on that and fairly confident that it’s going to be done at some point so0n. They (Connor) think it’s going to get done as well, so that’s why they have agreed to participate with us. Dave: It sounds like you might be here at PVCC for another year or so. John: I don’t know. Nothing is ever written in stone. I love it here and Paradise Valley has been great to us. They treat us so well. Paradise Valley Community College has done great stuff with us and for us. I just hope they continue to see the value that we bring. It’s been a really good partnership with those guys.

Dave: I always wondered how you were doing with that. John: Yeah, it’s great. This probably couldn’t have been done without them, and without them liking us and liking having us around. Garry: Well,  Dave and I have enjoyed having you around. Dave: More like we enjoyed you letting us hang around. You guys have been through at least a couple of leadership changes here haven’t you? John: Yeah, we have and I think that the critical piece is that the new regime and transition was fairly easy. It was a longer process to get to Christina being the Athletic Director and Greg (former AD) really made the transition work really well as he was leaving office. I know that, because of our presence, there’s a lot of work that goes into having us here. There’s always something to schedule. It adds to the workload and we just appreciate the fact that they’re willing to put in that extra effort. Garry: Well, we feel the longer you stay here the better it is for Dave and me. Now when you move… John: If I move, you never know. (I detect a mischievous look in John’s eyes.) Dave: Well, we’re just super fans of what you’re doing. Wherever you’re doing it. Garry: Well Dave, as usual I think we’ve received more than we hoped for here. Dave: Absolutely! John: Thanks guys.

And the Winner is…Pepper

played by Angie Dickenson has been voted The Sleuth most readers would like to see your intrepid Gumshoe Detectives (Dave & Garry) emulate. This was the first TV cop show to feature a female lead – Sergeant “Pepper” Anderson, an undercover cop for the Criminal Conspiracy Unit of the Los Angeles Police Department. You go, Girl!

Angie Dickinson,Ed Bernard,Earl Holliman, Charles Dierkop


©2021 by Coffee with the Bard

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