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Coming UP under New Features: So You Think You Can Run?


As a runner, do you fit any of these categories?

Category 1: runners who seek to dominate at the highest level. They may run for money and fame, but for these folks, being the best is its own reward.

Category 2:  middle-of-the-pack harriers who want nothing more than to somehow catapult into the lead pack, rub elbows with the elite runners.

Category 3: people who run for purely personal reasons. Beating other runners is not an issue. These runners care most about the contribution running can make to their health and self esteem.

So maybe you fit a category, maybe you’re in a category by yourself. Maybe like me you have shifted categories with the sands of time. One thing is certain. If you are a runner, you have at least one really good story to tell. That would be the story you would tell if someone were to look you in the eye and say, “So you think you can run?”

Run For Your Life wants that story.

Our first So You Think You Can Run? special will be an interview with Jeff Hall from Surprise Arizona. Jeff’s interview will run on Friday, September 2nd. He will reveal his passion, his insights, and his unique journey:

From Clydesdale

To Ironman


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