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Beyond The Waters


I know we all have our own ways of celebrating good fortune. Me, I’ve been dancing a jig ever since my new book, Beyond the Waters hit a few days ago. I simply adore the book and everyone who helped me put it together. But I am most appreciative of those of you who plunked down your loot to purchase a copy. So let’s take this mutual admiration party to the next level. Reviews. I’m asking each of you to submit a brief review of my book to Being a senior citizen myself I know this can be a daunting task. So if this is the case with you just send your review to and my crack producer, Joey Duck will do the rest. Meantime, here’s one for the books.


I Had a Life

I had a life, I had a wife, we had each other almost to forever I think she left me, but I’m not sure now, I might have left her, I’m not sure how But in my mind I cannot find a single saying of goodbye

I do know this much, there was always such love that even though I live alone now I can’t forget how close we came to the happy ever after

But after came and after went and she was sent to where she meant to be without me.

Leaving me, bereaving me, hanging on her last breath till her eyes grew wise to the surprise of the bright light that did not cause fright did not burn her but it did turn her away from those who loved her

Rejoice, rejoice, it was in her voice, and all the while that crooked smile and every day she said to me just bring you home, G, that’s all you have to do, G, that’s all you have to do, see.

It’s just you and me, see. That’s all we have to be, G

She was so smart she broke my heart She promised me there would never be a time that did not belong to the we of us

I remember now, the very how and the very we of us

She was my forever never meant for, never planned for never dreamed of a day without love, a night with no caresses, no tingling of the intermingling of our souls and the restless rest of the peaceful quest to live without the clanging and the banging of the day and the shock of the living clock of our precious time together.

Rejoice, rejoice, it was in her voice, and all the while that crooked smile and every day she said to me just bring you home, G. That’s all you have to do, G. That’s all I ever need from you, see

I had a life, I had a wife, we had each other almost to forever.

Stay tuned for my next idea, The Betty Chronicles, an innovative ‘Coffee Table Book’ approach!



©2021 by Coffee with the Bard

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